Children in Chippewa Square, c1904
Chippewa Square, laid out in 1815, was one of 24 public squares in Savannah
which developed after the Revolution from an original grid of four. Each square
is designed with an 8-block ward around it, including four residential and four
civic blocks, creating distinctive neighborhoods with wide open streets entwined
with public gathering spaces.


Children in Chippewa Square, c1904

Historic Pictoric | Item# SAV100763

From: $19.99
From: $19.99

Chippewa Square, laid out in 1815, was one of 24 public squares in Savannah
which developed after the Revolution from an original grid of four. Each square
is designed with an 8-block ward around it, including four residential and four
civic blocks, creating distinctive neighborhoods with wide open streets entwined
with public gathering spaces.

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